Premier League turns to 26th years

Premier League is at 26 years , crossed over 25 years back. The most popular league or the most fabulous league or most competitive league ever depends on the debate. Certainly, money, publishing, relaying, advertising, glamour, glaze and appeal of premier league is the best among ever. These are saying about which league, that premier league’s 26th season is starting. Let’s see the light briefing regards top five. The reign of fabulous four Manchester United, Liver Pool, Chelsea, and Arsenal is for a long time. Beginning of this decade Manchester City and last two or three years Tottenham Hotspur added with these fab four. If any team write fairy tale like Leicester City that is different. Besides, this season the crown fight will be limited among these six team. Chelsea: Diego Kosta, who is the championship scorer of last season is outcast in this season. Kosta, who scored 20 goals in last season is not going the relationship well with Boss Antonio Conte. So, who will lea...